



misdemeanor Tag

What Is a Felony? What Is a Misdemeanor?

What Is a Felony? What Is a Misdemeanor?

You may have heard that Oklahoma can charge a person with a misdemeanor for his first drunk driving offense. You may have heard about the changes to the Oklahoma statute that voters approved in November, making drug possession a misdemeanor. You may have heard that Oklahoma places people charged with misdemeanors in a different correctional facility than those charged with a felony. But you may be wondering, what really is a misdemeanor, and why is it different from a felony? Generally, a misdemeanor is a criminal offense that is punishable by no more than 12 months in jail. Courts often sentence...

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Oklahoma’s New Automatic Misdemeanor for Possession of Controlled Substances

Oklahoma's New Automatic Misdemeanor for Possession of Controlled Substances

In November, Oklahoma’s voters approved changes to the state drug laws that now make possession of controlled substances a misdemeanor charge. State lawmakers moved quickly in attempts to limit the changes’ scope, but so far advocates for change in how the state handles addiction and drug sentences have won out. The old possession statute, which remains in effect until July 1, 2017, requires that people receive felony charges for possession of controlled substances, usually meaning drugs. 63 O.S. Stat. § 2-402. The only exception is a first-time marijuana offense. Under the new statute, possession is a misdemeanor. Voters also approved reallocation...

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